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Winter Wonderland - Dilworth Coffee

Winter Wonderland Flavored Coffee

Tis the season! So, grab your stockings and touch your toes, and watch out for Ol’ Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Fires are crackling, there’s a cheerful tune in the air, and we at Dilworth have got just the right beans for you this holiday season. Our Winter Wonderland blend of flavored coffee will fit right into your cozy morning routine this December - an enticing blend of hazelnut and caramel, blanketed by a snow of coconut and vanilla.


Nothing warms spirits on chilly winter mornings more than a hot cup of coffee. It’s a morning ritual that so many people have in common. It’s also the time of year when unique family traditions begin. For some of us, it’s watching all the movies of a small boy named Harry grow into a man and all the friends he makes along the way. Others gather in the kitchen with their century-old family recipe book and make cinnamon rolls the same way they have been since before you were born. All traditions wild and wonderful are welcome, and no doubt coffee is a part of them all. We wanted to create a blend of coffee that reminded us of our own family traditions; a blend that makes us think happy thoughts and long for snow to cover our front yards.

Winter Wonderland - Dilworth Coffee

Our Winter Wonderland blend will make you feel all these things and more. Nutty smooth hazelnut, browned sweet caramel, classic pure vanilla, and a sneaky tropical hint of coconut that brings it all together. It’s bold and balanced, brown sugar sweet, and just fruity enough to keep things interesting. Together with our expertly-roasted Dilworth beans, this blend will undoubtedly find a way into your family’s holiday tradition, whatever tinsel-y shiny shape that may take. From us at Dilworth, to you and yours, please enjoy our Winter Wonderland flavored coffee this December.

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