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January Featured Beverages

January Featured Beverages

Cinnamon Bun Cold Brew with Spiced Brown Sugar Cold Foam

Not cold enough outside? Craving a cinnamon bun? Look no further! The season of warm winter spices is still here, and we’re putting it all in a cold brew. This recipe is made using our cold brew filter packs. We’ve made making cold brew as easy as it is delicious. Simply toss 3 filter packs in a gallon of water, wait 12-18 hours and voila! Cold Brew! This recipe uses cinnamon bun syrup in the cold brew, and spiced brown sugar syrup in the cold foam that tops the drink. Our cold brew brings a smooth chocolate base, and the cinnamon spiced foam creates a beverage that will have coffee drinkers coming back for seconds.




Cold Brew



Monin Cinnamon Bun Syrup

4 pumps

6 pumps

Heavy Whipping Cream



Monin Spiced Brown Sugar Syrup 2 pumps 3 pumps
Ground Cinnamon


For the Cold Brew

  1. In a tall measuring cup or shaker, combine cold brew and Cinnamon Bun syrup.
  2. Either stir or shake well to mix.
  3. Pour over ice into cup. 

For the Cold Foam

  1. Pour the heavy whipping cream and Spiced Brown Sugar syrup into a frothing pitcher or vessel.
  2. Insert your handheld milk frother and blend until it has reached the desired texture or consistency.
  3. Pour the cold foam over your cold brew, top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and serve.
  4. Pro Tip: for best results when using an electric hand frother, move up and down to make sure you are incorporating air throughout.

Peanut Butter Spice Latte

Ever thought about adding those classic winter spices to peanut butter? Well, we did, and it turns out it’s pretty delicious. This latte is for peanut butter lovers everywhere, and if you don’t, you might after trying this drink. Consider this a gateway drink to the world of spiced nuttiness. It’s made the same way you’d make any other hot latte. Garnishing with cinnamon is optimal and highly recommended. Enjoy!




Torani Winter Spice Syrup

2 pumps

3 pumps

Torani Peanut Butter Syrup

2 pumps

3 pumps


2 shots

3 shots



Ground Cinnamon


  1. Measure milk into pitcher.
  2. Measure syrups into cup.
  3. Pull espresso, pour into cup and mix with syrups until well combined.
  4. Steam milk and pour into cup.
  5. Garnish with cinnamon and serve.
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