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Snap To It Coffee

Breakfast Blend Coffee: Snap To It

This November we’re highlighting one of our favorite breakfast blend coffees here at Dilworth: Snap To It. In our busy day-to-day lives, responsibilities, obligations and agreements can clog up our schedules and make us forget to enjoy the simple things we do every day. Your morning coffee can be those precious few minutes you spend alone with yourself each morning while you mentally prepare for that long day ahead. Snap To It is the coffee that'll have you hopping right out of bed, sans the snooze button.

Curated To Be Your Go-To Breakfast Blend Coffee

Snap To It is a breakfast blend we designed to be the thing you look forward to most about waking up. The blend of Latin and Colombian coffee gives a honeyed sweetness, a nutty aroma and mouth feel, and a crisp finish. It’s pleasing and sweet, strong and recognizable, but not overly complex. It gives in easy to the early morning riser and is a smooth sip-able coffee over a busy morning.

Why We Chose a Coffee From Colombia in This Blend

Colombian coffee is renowned worldwide for its exceptional quality and distinctive flavors. Nestled in the lush mountains of the Andes, Colombia's unique geography, ideal climate, and rich coffee-growing tradition contribute to the production of some of the finest beans on the planet. From handpicking the ripest cherries to sun-drying and sorting the beans, Colombian farmers employ traditional methods to ensure the highest quality. Small family-owned farms, known as fincas, dot the landscapes, where the coffee cherries are carefully nurtured and harvested by skilled farmers.

A Symphony of Flavor

This unique wholesale coffee captivates the senses with its remarkable array of flavors. The combination of the region's unique microclimates, altitude variations, and diverse soil conditions contributes to the distinct profiles found in La Esperanza’s beans. Notes of caramel, chocolate, citrus, and floral undertones dance on the palate, offering a delightful complexity and balance that can be savored in every sip. This coffee's versatility makes it suitable for all brewing methods, from traditional drip brewing to espresso-based beverages.

Fuel Your Day with Snap To It

Snap To It isn't just any cup of coffee; it marks the beginning of a better morning. Whether you're enjoying its nutty aroma and honeyed sweetness in a quiet moment on the couch or preparing for a hectic day ahead, this breakfast blend has everything you need to embrace it with energy and excitement.

This holiday season, wake up with a pep in your step, and a smile on your face—a cup of our breakfast blend coffee Snap To It is only a few minutes away!

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Next article Dilworth's 2024 Holiday Coffees

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