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Organic Honduras Santa Lucia - April Natural Coffee - Dilworth Coffee

Organic Coffee from Honduras

Spring is a great time to be a coffee lover. Why? Because spring is when we start drinking new crop coffees from Central American farms. And coffee from Honduras is one of our favorite. Honduran coffee offers a delightful and distinct flavor profile that captures the essence of Central American coffee culture. Grown in the mountainous regions of Honduras, these coffee beans benefit from the country's rich soil, high altitude, and ideal climate, resulting in a cup of coffee that is smooth, balanced, and full-bodied.


Honduras Coffee Flavor Profile

Honduran coffee is characterized by its nuanced flavor notes, which often include hints of chocolate, caramel, and citrus, with a subtle acidity that adds brightness to each sip. For the most part coffee lovers can expect the following flavor profile from Honduran coffee:
  • Medium body with moderate acidity
  • Balanced flavor with notes of caramel, chocolate, and nuts
  • Citrusy or fruity acidity in some varieties
  • Floral and spicy aromas
  • Richness and depth of flavor from fertile volcanic soils
  • Smooth and approachable taste, suitable for various preferences

Coffee Farms in Honduras

From the mountainous regions of Copán and Santa Barbara to the fertile valleys of Comayagua and Ocotepeque, Honduran coffee farms thrive in diverse microclimates, each contributing to the unique flavor profiles of the country's coffee beans. Many Honduran coffee farms are small-scale, family-owned operations, where farmers meticulously tend to their coffee plants using traditional methods passed down through generations.

Finca Santa Lucia Coffee Farm

Finca Santa Lucia, one of our very favorite farms, consistently provides us with clean and crisp new crop coffee in March and April every year. This year’s crop has arrived just in time to be featured as our April Coffee of the Month.

Coffee Cherries

Perfectly planted in Montaña de La Choca, a Honduras national mountain reserve, Finca Santa Lucia is surrounded by a cloud forest full of exotic wildlife and beautiful vistas.

The well-defined seasons in this region contribute to the high quality of specialty coffees grown at Finca Santa Lucia. The rainy season results in beautiful cherry development, and the clear, dry season allows the producers in this area to slowly sun-dry their coffee on outdoor patios. This step allows the coffee to roast very evenly and maximizes its inherent sweetness.

How Dilworth Coffee Supports Local Honduras Education

Raul Rodriguez

Owner Raul Rodriguez is a third-generation coffee farmer who is known for his fair treatment of his workers. These workers, who are instrumental to the coffee’s quality, are paid some of the highest wages in the area. 15 families reside on the farm year-round, and another 75 workers join them during harvest season. Finca Santa Lucia is located over 2.5 hours from the nearest city, Comayagua. This means the workers and their neighbors do not have access to many amenities that farms closer to town enjoy. One example of this is that the local school was only able to accommodate students through the 6th grade in a basic two-room building. Raul led the way by making sure the school had up-to-date electricity and upgraded kitchen facilities. As part of our direct trade relationship with Finca Santa Lucia, Dilworth Coffee has joined Raul in supporting the local school. We return part of our proceeds from this coffee, which has created and continues to fund 7th, 8th, and 9th grades. You can read more about this project HERE.

Certified Organic Coffee from Honduras

Finca Santa Lucia

Finca Santa Lucia is a certified organic farm. We roast the beans to a medium profile to highlight the sweetness and body without completely overpowering its wonderful acidity. Expect notes of caramel and milk chocolate with a slight hint of tangy citrus that keeps it tasting clean and leaves you wanting another cup.

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