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Peach Cobbler Iced Latte and Blender - June Featured Beverages - Dilworth Coffee

Peach Cobbler Iced Latte and Blender - June Featured Beverages

June is just around the corner and with it comes the official beginning of summer! As the heat begins to settle in and the days grow even longer, people need an extra boost that is both energizing and refreshing. At Dilworth Coffee, when we think of a sweet and refreshing flavor for the summer, we think of peaches.

We have carefully curated two peach-centered recipes for your cafes this June that are sure to get your customers' attention. These beverages simultaneously encapsulate the sensation of both fresh peach cobbler and ice cream. They are formulated to be enjoyed either with or without coffee so, as always, feel free to experiment to your heart's content!

Peach Cobbler Iced Latte










2 shots

2 shots

4 shots

Torani Peach

1 pump

2 pumps

3 pumps

Torani Brown Sugar Cinnamon

1 pump

1 pump

2 pumps

Torani Vanilla

1 pump

1 pump

2 pumps


Whipped Cream





  1. Measure Peach, Brown Sugar Cinnamon and Vanilla into cup
  2. Pull espresso shots, pour into cup, stir with syrups
  3. Add milk and ice and stir
  4. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with ground cinnamon
  5. Serve

Peach Cobbler Blender







Torani Peach

4 pumps

6 pumps

Torani Brown Sugar Cinnamon

1 pump

2 pumps

Torani Vanilla

1 pump

2 pumps

Dr. Smoothie Cream Base

1/2 cup

3/4 cup

Ice full cup full cup

Whipped Cream


  1. Measure milk and syrups into blender
  2. Pour ice and Cream Base into blender
  3. Blend well for ~30 seconds
  4. Pour into cup, top with whipped cream and ground cinnamon
  5. Serve

Note: This blender goes great with espresso! Try pulling a double espresso and pour it on top of the blender before adding the whipped cream. The result: a deliciously layered drink!

Previous article Classic Frozen Latte with Monin Neutral Base
Next article Peach Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

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