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July Featured Beverages

July Featured Beverages


Want a latte with a strong coffee flavor but less milk? Then this cold brew latte is for you! This recipe uses cold brew for its base, providing a rich and smooth coffee flavor, and just a touch of oat milk and syrup to bring some creaminess and sweetness. The syrup flavors are a reminder of a classic summer dessert, Apple Pie.




SUMMER IS HERE! Nothing sooths the soul more than an iced cold fruit drink on a summer day. Smartfruit is known for their smoothies, but they also have a line of refresher bases, which we're proud to show off in this recipe. We’re using the watermelon cucumber mint refresher in this recipe and garnishes to match. The crushed watermelon in the beverage is optional but delish. The cucumber and mint garnishes are a great upcharge option and make it seem like a summer mock-tail instead of just a refresher.

Previous article Peach Basil Smoothie
Next article Smartfruit Refresher

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