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Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Flavored Coffee

Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Flavored Coffee

This summer, as the sun is shining and things are growing, we implore you to enjoy a cup of the fruity fragment, warm and sweet aroma of Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble flavored coffee. It may sound a little indulgent for the first thing in the morning, but what's wrong with a little morning crumble?

What Exactly Is a Crumble

As a Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Flavored Coffee enthusiast, ol’ man Dilworth has a core memory of every Sunday afternoon, my father slipping a $10 note into my grandad’s front shirt pocket. Walking through the grocery store with him to choose a crumble from the bakery section, then serving it warm with ice cream around a crowded table. Many and many more surely have similar memories, and it’s no wonder. The humble crumble was born out of lack not excess. During World War II, the entire European continent was lacking typical pastry ingredients that restaurants and home cooks alike used for pies. Crumble was the solution to the pastry problem and was so delicious that we’ve kept it in our books and on our tables for almost a hundred years.

Instead of purposely combining flour, butter, and sugar folded carefully to make delicate pastry, crumble rather takes a sort of haphazard approach and just mashes all things together the bakers’ hands. Throw some oats in there and maybe some nuts and spices if you’re feeling fancy, top the seasonal fruit of your choice and voila! Crumble!

blueberry cinnamon crumble dessert

First Appearance of Blueberry Dessert

Blueberries have been grown, cultivated, and enjoyed in America since the 1600’s. However, one of the first American recipe using blueberries in various desserts like pies, cakes, and crumbles appeared in the middle 19th century in a book titled Original Appledore Cookbook: Containing Practical Receipts (recipes) from the Plain and Rich Cooking by Miss Maria Parloa. We owe it to food lovers like this for the inspiration for the flavors we enjoy and pair with coffee today. Especially our Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Flavored Coffee.

Blueberry and Cinnamon Flavor Combination

Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Flavored Coffee is a coffee flavor for the ages! If you’ve never imagined those wonderful flavors in a cup of coffee, get ready to start now! Juicy and sweet blueberries, warm and woody spiced cinnamon, buttery baked and caramelized crumble topping, all reduced into a cup of our expertly roasted coffee. If there’s a cup of coffee to be enjoyed in the morning next to a stack of pancakes or a plate of biscuits, it’s this one.

So many coffees to drink, so many flavors to try, so many wonderful ways to enjoy this sweet caramel brown elixir we all wake up to savor. This August, we hope our Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble Flavored Coffee is the next flavor in your cup.

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